New Body Face roller Endoes treatment slimming Machine Deep
Smooth Cellulite Treatment For Infrared Roller Massage Vacuum Therapy
Endoes produces a vibration and pressure combination the reduction of the
appearance of cellulite,even in areas of the body where fatty deposits can build up and traditionally be tricky to
remove.his build-up can occur on the arms, back, waist, abdomen, thighs and buttocks.
Our treatments can improve fatty deposits on these areas, leaving your body smooth, and tackle everything from cellulite appearance to muscle toning.
Endoes roller treatment is a technology that uses an innovative mechanism to by means of a roller composed of 55 spheres of hypoallergenic silicone. By generating mechanical vibrations at low
frequency ranges directly on to the main causes of cellulite: the lymphatic stasis, the accumulation of liquids and
the aggregates of adipose cells.
* Anti-ageing
* Scar treatment
* Remodeling pre and post liposuction
* Remodeling pre and post anti wrinkle injections.
* Shoulder-neck muscle stiffness
* Plantar stimulation
* Athletic preparation
* Post-traumatic rehabilitative physiotherapy
* Lymph drainage, venolymphatic insufficiency and lymphedema Treatments
1.Muscle toning and relaxation
The system uses on the muscle as an active resistance and thanks to vibratory stimulation, is able to
obtain an optimization of the muscle tone in the treated area.
2.Remodelling-Body Shaping
The oscillatory action of the spheres determines the detachment of adipocytes responsible for the formation of the fibrous network
that is due to the appearance of “orange peel” and disintegration of fat aggregates and fibrous septa, making them less sclerotic.
This reduces blemishes and reshapes from early treatment.
3.Action on the Vascular System
The particular arrangement to “honeycomb” of vibrators organs on the cylinder, together with the micro-compression practiced on
fabrics, produces a profound stimulation of vascular and metabolic level.
The fabric thus undergoes lifting that generate a “vascular gymnastics” thus favouring a major improvement of the
4.Action on the lymphatic system
The detail of the hand piece spheres movement with which it carries out the treatment, creates a “pump” effect, thanks to pulsed
and rhythmic action induced by the sense of rotation of the cylinder.
This active thrust the lymphatic system, eliminating the excess toxic liquids, without causing any damage due to possible traction
or skin aspirations.
5.Reduction of Pain
The roller treatment with its rhythmic and pulsating action on the mechanoreceptors, creates a desensitization of the
same producing the reduction / elimination of pain in a short time.Furthermore, the significant reduction of pain in the treatment
of tissues with cellulite is translation of a marked improvement in metabolism and an important reduction of toxic substances in
the body.
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